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πŸ‘ͺ Parent's Guide ​

We prioritize a safe and friendly environment for all players. Here's what parents should know:


This page is intended for parents or legal guardians of minors. If your son or daughter plays AwitaMC, this page may be of interest.

What is Minecraft? ​

Minecraft is an open-world video game with no clearly defined goal. It offers almost unlimited possibilities and opens the door to many different ways to play.

The game itself is not dangerous, quite the contrary, since there is no predefined path to follow, the player can give free rein to his or her imagination, encouraging creativity.

It is available on several platforms: computers, mobile phones (cell phones) and consoles.

What is a Minecraft server? What dangers does multiplayer mode entail? ​

Like many video games today, it has a multiplayer mode, in which your son or daughter can connect with other players from all over the world, of all ages. It is important that, as a legal guardian, you are informed about the dangers that circulate on the Internet. Here are a series of resources that you can read to better inform yourself about what your child could be exposed to, and how you should act in different situations.

Check this links:

A Minecraft "server" is simply a virtual place where several players meet to play, together or separately. Mojang AB, the company that created the video game, does not control these servers - they can be created by other players who only want to play with their friends, companies that create new mini-games within this game, etc.

What is AvalonCS? ​

AvalonCS (formally Avalon Community Servers) is a slovak community. We have our own Minecraft server, where thousands of players like your child have played throughout our existence. We also have our own space on a platform called Discord, you can read more about it here (you will need to navigate to the "Parents and Educators" subsection):

How do I know if my child is in a safe place? ​

At AvalonCS, we are fully aware of the type of players we have and we have procedures and regulations in place to ensure that no minor is exposed to the most common risks. We do not tolerate cyberbullying at all, and we always do our best to prevent any player from taking advantage of another in any matter unrelated to the content of the game.

All of our staff is made up of people of legal age, the only exception being the assistants and first-level moderators, since their only function is to resolve doubts and maintain order in the chat. The entire team has the necessary training to deal with most cases at the time, and they have direct contact with the legal representatives for the most complicated matters.

We also have automatic moderation systems, capable of avoiding the most common insults and a large percentage of variations of these.

However, we still suggest that you talk to your son/daughter from time to time about what he/she does in our community and see with your own eyes everything that happens. You can report any inappropriate behavior you or your child observe directly to us using the contact methods shown on the πŸ“¬How to contact us page.

The quickest way is through Discord, but we know that it may not be the most comfortable for people who have not used this platform before, so if you contact us by email, we can guarantee that you will receive a reply in less than 48 hours.

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