Join our team


We are looking for dedicated, responsible and committed players to be part of our team and manage our game servers, with the permissions and privileges assigned to the role sought. All positions we offer are ad honorem (unpaid).


All applicants whose application has been approved will be assigned a trial period whose duration will depend on the Senior Executives and/or the Head Admin.

We are not limited to these games. If you want to be part of the staff of a game that is not on the list and you think we should include it as a new server, please contact us.


On our Frequently Asked Questions page we have published the most common questions such as the time it takes to receive a response or special considerations to take into account before sending the request. We highly recommend reading these questions. If you have any further questions, the AvalonCS staff is at your disposal to resolve any questions you may have through our Discord group.

Please read all questions and their description carefully before answering. Respond with the information requested. Be as detailed as possible on questions that require paragraphs in response

IMPORTANT: We only accept people who are 18 years old or older. If you are just a few days away from reaching the age of majority and want to be a helper / moderator / administrator, please open a ticket in our Discord group or use the contact form on this website before filling out the registration form.

Staff Recruitment Form
Fill out all fields correctly. All fields are required.
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Fill in this field with your real name or nickname

Please fill out this field with your real email (Gmail, Outlook, ...).

For security reasons, disposable and/or temporary emails are not allowed.
Please fill the field with your real age.
Select from the list the country where you come from. If you live in a country different from your nationality or place of birth, please select the country where you currently live.
If the game you want to enter uses Steam, enter your Steam ID in the normal format. It looks like this: STEAM_0:0:11101. Don't sent it in other format. If you don't know how to get it, follow this guide. A very simple way to get it is by using this website.

If you are filing for Minecraft, please submit your UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) with dashes (example: 10d6598d-cf75-4310-8f23-2ec764d0fea4). All the launchers (official and not official) use UUIDs. If you do not know how to obtain this information, use this website and follow its instructions.
Fill in this gap with the unique user assigned to your account, not the display name. You can help yourself with this graphic.
Select game:
Multiple Choice
Select the role you wish to apply for. The administrator position can only be selected if one of this conditions is true:

1)You was previously an administrator and was not removed from your position for reasons beyond your control (You were not expelled but you left the position due to illness, work reasons, personal reasons, ... in a justified manner)

2) By written and express recommendation of the owner, the platform admin or the community manager.
Have you ever been punished for any reason in our community?
Remember that we will verify this information.
Have you ever applied to be an administrator or moderator of our community and been rejected?
Remember that we will verify this information.
Please fill out this field with any previous experience as an administrator, moderator or similar. It is necessary that you give us details such as:

1, Name of the community / company where you were
2. Website and social networks of the company (even if it does not currently exist)
3. Name of your boss
4. Name of the assigned position
5. What were the assigned functions?
6. Tell us if you continue with that position or if you do not continue, the reason why you are no longer continuing.
7. Any other information that is of interest.

If you do not have any experience, indicate so.
Tell us the availability you have or plan to dedicate to your position. To do this, tell us the following:
1. Approximation of hours per week that you can dedicate to your position.
2.Days of the week that you will dedicate to your position (that is, if you can every day, some days, weekends, ....)
3. Time of day in which you can dedicate yourself to your position (mornings, afternoons, nights, mornings and afternoons, ...)
4. Is there a possibility that it could change in the future?
Rules: Click Here
When you send a form, data such as your email and name are requested and stored in a cookie so that you do not have to fill them out again in future submissions. By sending a form, you must accept our privacy policy.

Data controller: Avalon Community Servers
Purpose: Manage the request to become a staff member.
Legitimation: Your express consent.
Recipient: Avalon Community Servers (data stored only in email client).
Rights: You have the right to access, rectify, delete, limit, port and forget your data