We are looking for dedicated, responsible and committed players to be part of our team and manage our game servers, with the permissions and privileges assigned to the role sought. All positions we offer are ad honorem (unpaid).
All applicants whose application has been approved will be assigned a trial period whose duration will depend on the Senior Executives and/or the Head Admin.
We are not limited to these games. If you want to be part of the staff of a game that is not on the list and you think we should include it as a new server, please contact us.
On our Frequently Asked Questions page we have published the most common questions such as the time it takes to receive a response or special considerations to take into account before sending the request. We highly recommend reading these questions. If you have any further questions, the AvalonCS staff is at your disposal to resolve any questions you may have through our Discord group.
Please read all questions and their description carefully before answering. Respond with the information requested. Be as detailed as possible on questions that require paragraphs in response
IMPORTANT: We only accept people who are 18 years old or older. If you are just a few days away from reaching the age of majority and want to be a helper / moderator / administrator, please open a ticket in our Discord group or use the contact form on this website before filling out the registration form.